četvrtak, 06.08.2009.

The Sims 3 World Adventure!

The Sims 3 World Adventures

Ni običan The Sims 3 nije dovoljan stoga je EA napravio nastavak koji je i više nego dosta. Uglavnom, nastavak World Adventure se temelji na putovanja, ali ovog puta ne poput izmišljenih mjesta kao kod The Sims 2 "Twiki Island". Ovog puta to zamjenjuje nevjerojatan Egypt sa stvarnim piramidama. Dakako, možete ih istraživati i proučavati. Uz Egypt, tu su Kina i Francuska. Možete proučavati staru kulturu Francuske. Isto vrijedi i za Kinu. Ukupno; za putovanja morate nazvati agenciju telefonom ili preko kompjutora te tako rezervirati, možete kupiti kuću na određenom mjestu [Egipat, Francuska ili Kina], sims može ući u neke zgrade i znamenitosti, Igrač može otvoriti škrinju, maknuti kamen i više toga da bi otkrio blago i kolekcije, upoznavati Simse sa egzotičnih mjesta isl.

Riječi EA official stranice:
The Adventure is Near…
Take your Sims on the adventure of their lives with The Sims 3 World Adventures. Guide your Sims to acclaimed fortune—or potential doom. Take your Sims to exotic destinations to hunt for hidden treasures. Uncover new skills, experience new personality traits and garner rewards, if your Sims succeed. Explore ancient tombs in the pyramids of Egypt, master martial arts in the Far East, and discover rich culture and famous landmarks of France. Adventure is on the horizon — what will your Sims discover?

*Accept challenges, find treasures, discover what’s lurking in hidden caves and more.

*Explore famous landmarks in China, Egypt, and France.

*Learn new skills like photography and pursue new opportunities.

*Meet new Sims from exotic locations and share their cultures.

*Customize your Sims homes with new styles & artifacts from their adventures.

*Get $10 worth of free SimPoints for The Sims 3 Store, and additional online features to be announced.

Slike sa EA official stranice:

Credits: The Sims 3 official

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